Prof. Edik Rafailov in collaboration with Laser NanoFab GmbH (Hannover) has been awarded a prestigious H2020 FET Launchpad SCAFOLD-NEEDS project worth €100k. The main target of the project is to make 3D scaffolds and 3D scaffold platforms with integrated electrodes commercially available for various investigative studies in neuroscience.
AMPLITUDE - Multimodal Imaging Technique
Published on Apr 27, 2020
Professor Edik Rafailov as a PI and partner of a large consortium has been awarded a prestigious 4 year H2020 grant AMPLITUDE worth €4.7M. This is collaborative work with 11 partners (Aston part worth over €620k). The main target of the project is to develop a new concept of label-free, multi-modal microscopy and endoscopic imaging operating in the new wavelength region with multiple imaging and spectroscopic technologies, including NIR confocal reflectance microscopy, multi-photon microscopy and spontaneous Raman spectroscopy.
PULSE- High Peak Power Lasers for Industrial applications
Published on Apr 27, 2020
Prof. Edik Rafailov as a partner of a large consortium has been awarded a prestigious 4 year H2020 PULSE project worth €5.2M. This is collaborative work with 12 partners (Aston part over €610k). The main target of the project is to develop a world record power 2.5kW laser providing from picosecond down to femtoseconds pulses at repetition rates up to 1GHz with excellent beam quality and brought to the market at highly competitive costs enabling widespread industrial uptake.
PLATFORMA - Novel platform for Screening
Published on Apr 27, 2020
Professor Edik Rafailov (Coordinator) and Dr Sergei Sokolovski have won an award from the H2020 FET PROACTIVE scheme. The Proposal, PLATFORMA, attracting €2 million for two years, with €360k going to the Aston team. PLATFORMA is a commercially driven collaboration to produce novel high-content phenotypic platforms for screening cosmetics, pollutants and new therapeutics. PLATFORMA proposes to create purpose-built, 3D modular human tissues supported by laser-printed bio-compatible scaffolds from which electro-physiological status of the cells can be monitored.
NEUROPA -Challenging Alzheimer's with Laser
Published on Feb 12, 2020
A €3.6M EU Project NEUROPA ,lead by Prof. Edik Rafailov, was launched to challenge and palliate the conditions of Alzheimer's and Huntington's Disease in affected patients utilising Lasers in Optgenetics.The project aims to implement the technology in mice model in the next 3 years. Successful completion of this milestone will, in a few years time, bring about relief to human patients suffering with these neurological disorders.
Please find the links to futher description below:
H2020 grant for Microscopy & Spectroscopy Technologies in new wavelength region
Published on Aug 1, 2019
Prof. Edik Rafailov (AIPT) as a PI and partner of a large consortium has been awarded a prestigious 4 year H2020 grant worth €4.7M. This is collaborative work with 11 partners (Aston part over €620k). The main target of the project is to develop a new concept of label-free, multi-modal microscopy and endoscopic imaging operating in the new wavelength region with multiple imaging and spectroscopic technologies, including NIR confocal reflectance microscopy, multi-photon microscopy and spontaneous Raman spectroscopy.
Prestigious Award from EC Future and Emerging Technology (FET) Scheme
Published on Jun 20, 2019
Professor Edik Rafailov (Coordinator), Dr Sergei Sokolovski (both AIPT) and Dr Rhein Parri (LHS) has won an enormously prestigious award from the EC Future and Emerging Technology (FET) Scheme. The scheme published success rate is below 5%, making it amongst the toughest in the H2020 suite of schemes. The Proposal, NEUROPA attracting €3.6 million, with €977k going to the Aston team. The NEUROPA consortium has assembled to develop a conceptually novel non-invasive theranostic approach. We will develop a non-invasive system, which modulates long-term activity in specific cortico-sub-cortical networks implicated in specific brain disorders. This will be achieved by two-photon activation of novel phytochrome actuators that control the expression of genes involved in synaptic plasticity. The resulting increase in cortical and subcortical network activity will lead to the long term alleviation of dysfunction using novel phytoptogenetics technology.
5th Summer School on ''Photonics meets Biology''
Published on May 30, 2019
The 5th summer School on ''Photonics meets Biology'' organized jointly by Prof. E.U. Rafailov (AIPT, UK) with Dr. Maria Farsari (FORTH, Greece) and Dr. Pablo Loza-Alvarez (ICFO, Spain) will take place this year at FORTH ,Heraklion, Crete, Greece between 16-20th September , 2019. The summer School would include Plenary talks by Prof. Yuri Kivshar and Prof. Francesco Pavone. For more details and registration links, please follow the link below :